Lighting and the wedding photographer
In fact, they are the wedding photos that represent the greatest value after the wedding.
(this is only true if you have not chosen a wedding film against my advice)
In the best case, all the magic moments were captured by the professional wedding photographer.
Unforgettable moments were photographed for eternity.
When choosing your wedding photographer, there are many things to consider.
Thanks to Covid19 I have looked at many and I mean really many wedding photos.
Not to mention the green-beige Boho Wedding filter, which is slowly getting on my nerves, there are many more things to notice.
I myself own an expensive Canon Camera.
My equipment for my wedding channel is of professional quality.
My videos are also very neat in the meantime, but honestly, I can’t even handle 10% of the camera.
Auto focus, auto this and that.
Now I am not a filmmaker and I am not a professional photographer, and everything is half as bad.
You as a wedding couple on the other hand invest a large part of your wedding budget in the wedding photos.
Ergo, you can expect the wedding photographer to know about the apertures and lighting.
You cannot edit everything!
A white wedding dress, a lace veil, on white snow, in the white carriage, with the mildew in bright winter sunshine is a challenge for the wedding photographer.
The wedding dinner in the castle hall, which is panelled with dark oak. The sea of candles is wonderfully romantic but does not provide much light.
Will the wedding photographer flash?
Will there now be a paparazzi lightning storm like Lady Di had when she came out of the Hotel Ritz?
Watch out for the photographer’s choice.
Say cheese!
Evelyne Schärer
Wedding planning since 2004
PS. Thank you Andrea Kuehnis for the Wedding Picture